Alzheimer’s Disease Faculty Search
Neurobiology, in collaboration with the departments of Cell Biology and Neurology, is in the midst of recruiting for a tenure-track assistant professor position whose research will be related to Alzheimer’s disease. Funding for this position has been made possible by the exceptionally generous support of a donor and the endorsement and participation of the Duke Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.
The search committee, made up of seven faculty from Neurobiology, Neurology, Cell Biology, and Psychology & Neuroscience, is chaired by Neurobiology’s Jim McNamara and administratively led by Tanya Schreiber. The search committee has narrowed the field to a short list of six candidates who are visiting between February 22 and March 11. Following are the dates and seminar titles for the six candidates. All talks are being held in Bryan 103.
The committee hopes to move quickly and make offers by mid-April.