Associate Professor of Cell Biology
Associate Research Professor in Neurobiology
Associate Professor in Pathology
Faculty Network Member of the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
Phone: (919) 684-4520
Email: diego.bohorquez@duke.edu
Bohorquez Lab
2014 Grass Fellow in the Neurosciences at the Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Neurogastroenterology, Duke University School of Medicine
Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Our ambition is to learn how to treat the brain from the gut. We are focused on dissecting the neural circuits that transform signals from food and/or bacteria in the gut into electrical inputs that modulate behaviors like the desire to eat. We recently discovered that, like taste cells in the tongue, the gut also has a sensory neuroepithelial circuit (J Clin Invest. 2015;125(2):782). This circuit may be the first point of integration of signals from food, bacteria, or viruses in the gut and behaviors in the brain.
Our laboratory is built on multidisciplinary expertise in viral vector genomics, neurophysiology, behavioral phenotyping, organoid cultures, and neuroimaging. From human miniguts to our own 2Photon –The Wraith– our laboratory has the pipeline optimized to test ideas from single cells to whole animal behavior.
Should you be interested in joining our team or supporting our cause contact us. More at gutbrains.com.